Madras Agricultural Journal
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Genetics of Yield and Yield Traits in Dwarf Pearl Millet (Pennisetum typhoides S & H)


                                Estimates of the components of variation and combining ability were obtained for five yield and yield traits namely, plant height, effective tillers per plant, ear length, ear girth and yield/plant in a B * 8 diallel set of dwarf pearl millet. The genetic and combining ability analyses revealed the predominance of non-additive genetic variation in the inheritance of all the traits. Effective tillers/plant, ear length and yield/plant were under the influence of non-allelic interactions. The heritability was in general low though it was considerable for ear girth (59.32%). Parents J-1040, 23 D_{2}*B and Cassady were good general combiners for the yield components and grain yield/plant. The estimates of SCA effects for grain yield/ plant were high for the crosses J -1040* Sauna D_{2}*B Sauna D_{s}*BJ - 934 and 23 D_{4}*B * 71 B. Based on the present findings it may be suggested that involvement of parents J-1040, 23 D_{a}*B and Cassady in crosses followed by selection might result in superior derivatives.

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