Madras Agricultural Journal
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Influence of single and Multistrain Rhizobial Inoculants on Nodulation, Yield and Nitrogen Assimilation by Greengram (Phaseolus aureus Roxb)


                                Field perfomance of the rhizobial inoculants. GG-2. GMBS-1, BMBS-P47 and an equal mixture of these three strains (multistrain inoculant) were studied in greengram at Coimbatore and Kaveripattinam under rainfed conditions and Bhavanisagar under irrigated condition. The nodulation, yield and nitrogen assimilation responses of greengram were observed. At all the three locations, the multistrain rhizobial inoculant performed better with significance. They produced more number of nodules per plant, higher grain yield and more nitrogen assimilation than the uninoculated control and the single strain rhizobial inoculants.

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