Madras Agricultural Journal
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Genetic Evaluation and Path Analysis in Amaranthus


                                Estimates of genetic parameters, genotypic correlation coefficient and path analysis were made on seedling performance with 19 different genotype collections in Amaranthus sp. which is the chief source of green leafy vegetable in tropics. This study of seedling population for green leafy yield and its components was made during April and July seasons in 1976. The studies brought out significant differences among genotypes in respect of the yield components and also higher extent of variation as revealed by genetic estimates. The variation was high in length of stem and weight of plants followed by number of leaves, All these characters offered scope for selection in that order mentioned only, as inferred from estimates of H and GA. The genotypic correlation. was higher than phenotypic correlations in both the seasons. However, in respect of number of leaves per plant and weight of stem the relationship got reversed i.e. pheno- typic correlation was higher than genotypic in April as compared to July sowing. The direct effect of length of stem on yield as shown. by path analysis also was reversed in April season as compared to July season. The investigation also brought out the existance of strong Genotype x Environment (G x E) interactions in the diverse genetic population of Amaranthus.

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