Madras Agricultural Journal
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Distribution of magnesium fractions in the Nilgiris soil profiles. III Distribution in typic hapludalfs, ultic. hapludalfs, typic paleudalfs and plinthic paleudalfs.


                                Soils of the sub-group Typic Hapludalfs contained high reserve magnesium, Organic complexed Mg might be the probable source of additinal magnesium to the surface layers. The profiles of the Ultic Hapludalfs were characterised by strongly weathered top soil lying" over weakly weathered sub-soils. Accumulation of magnesium fractions were seen in horizons of clay pan and in some profiles leaching conditions were indicated. The soils of Typic paleudalfs were highly weathered. Distribution pattern of the fractions of magnesium were observed to be influened by the combined effect of weathering, leaching and organic cycle, plinthic paleudalfs soils contained higher amounts of reserve magnesium Well weathered surface soils were lying over weakly weathered parent material. These characters indicated that there need not be any alarm about deficiency magnesium in the near future.

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