Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of Synthetic Pyrethroids on Bollworm Control, Crop Maturity and Seed Cotton Yield in Summer Cotton


                                Two field trials wero conducted at Cotton Resoarch Station Srivilliputhur to study the effect of synthetic pyrethroids on cotton bollworm control and crop maturity in MCU 8. The synthetic pyrethroids were more effective than the standard monocrotophos and other organophosphorus insecticides and carbaryl to control boll worms. Among the pyrethroida the most effective one was cypermethrin 100 g permethrin 100 g decamethrin 20 > cypermethrin 50 g-fenvalerate 100 g> Permethrin 50 g fenvalerate 100 g-decome- thrin 10 gai/ha. Pyrethroids did not influence crop maturity in MCU 8.

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