Madras Agricultural Journal
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Genetic Diversity for Quantitative Characters in Green Gram (Vigna Radiata (L.) Wilczek)


                                A wide genetic variability among the types was revealed by the D analysis and the can- onical analysis wherein the forty five types formed as many as sixteen clusters. The types chosen from the same eco-geographic regions were found scattered in different clusters. The clustering together of types from same eco-geographic region into one cluster was also observed. Based on average inter-cluster distances, the clusters XV, XVI and XIII were found to be highly divergent from all the other clusters. Among them, the De distance between Mutant 5 and AC, 263 was the maximum. The mutants namely Mutant. 1, Mutant 3 and Mutant, 5 which have the common parent (C011 were distributed in three seperate clusters. In the selected materials yield/plant contributed maximum towards the genetic divergence.

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