Madras Agricultural Journal
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Studies on the Varietal Performance of Exotic Sweet Potato Clones under Coimbatore Conditions


                                Among the exotic clones viz., IB 751 to 756 from Taiwan, 18 758 (W-13 of USA) and CO 1 (TNAU, Coimbatore), the clone IB 758 exceliad other clones in tuber yield and quality. The clone 18 758 has given an yield of 38.37 t/ha followed by 18 756 (Taiwan) with 37.88 t/ha compared to CO 1 33.72 t/ha. The clones 18 758 had attained signifi- cance for high ascorbic acid (18.95 mg/100 g), carotene content (12.19 mg/100 g), with high starch (47.79 per cent) compared to Taiwan lines. These clones have shown excel- lent cooking quality and less weevil incidence.

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