Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of seed Treatment of Sheath Blight Pathogen infected seeds of rice with fungicides on germination, growth and vigour of rice seedling.


                                Sheath blight disease affected seeds of ADT. 31 were treated with fungicides and the seed germination, seedling growth, seedling vigour and the viability of seeds were studied after 8 months storage. The seeds were treated with the fungicides viz, NF, 48, Difolatan, Dexon, EL. 273, Brássicol, Bavistin, Capton, Demosan, Vitavax, Benlate, Brestan, Agrosan, Thiram, Plantvax, Agallol and Daeonil at 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 per cent levels. The seed treatment with fungicides have increased the seed germination, seedling growth, vigour and maintained the viability upto 8 months. The fungicides Demosan and Brestan were not effective in increasing the seed germination and inhibited the same slightly.

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