Madras Agricultural Journal
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Leaching and Movement of Carbofuran in Soils.


                                Carbofuran movement in soils was studied by employing soil TLC technique with natural soil and alwin the soil in which organic matter was destroyed. The mobility, as Rf values, of 16 sails (Red, black, alluvial and laterite) showed that the movement in red, alluvial and black soils was rapid while in laterite soil it was slow. A striking increase in the mobility of carbofuran was recorded in soils in which the organic matter was oxidised. Carbofuran teaching was high in red, alluvial and black soils and the effluents 55, 41.50 and 36.5 per cent of the added carbofuran, respectively. In laterite soils a major portion of the added toxicant was retained in the soil of the first column section and the effluents did not contain any residues. Both the soil TLC and leaching studies revealed that there was a general trend towards reduced mobility of carbofuran with incressed organic matter content of coils. Based on the Rf value recorded in red, block and alluvial soils with organic matter content below 1 per cent, carbofuran was classified under class IV and designated as "mobile" insecticide while in respect of laterite soils with 1.50 to 4,29 per cent opranic matter its mobility was moderate (class III).

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