Madras Agricultural Journal
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Incidence of leafminer Aproserema Modicella Deventer (Stomopteryx subsecivella Zell) on groundnut in relation to the time of sowing and weather factors.


                                The results of an experiment conducted during irrigated season 1979 with TMV-7 and TMV-10 groundnut varieties, to fix up the optimum time of sowing so as to avoid the incidence of leafminer and to get higher yields are reported. Attempts were also made to correlate the different weather factors with the incidence and the findings reported. In both the varieties, morning relative humidity showed a significantly negative corralation, while the maximum temperature and the minimum temperature showed a significantly positive association with the incidence, which in turn exhibited a negative correlation with the yield. From the co-efficient of determination, it was found X that 83% of the variation is contributed by Relative humidity% and maximum temperature in the case of TMV-7 variety and.90 by maximum, minmum temperature in the case of TMV-10 variety. Earlier sowings in the irrigated season, taken up to 15th January will held inavoiding the incidence besides fetching high yield of TMV-7 groundnut under Tindivanam conditions.

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