Madras Agricultural Journal
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Distribution of Magnesium Fractions in the Nilgiris soil Profiles: 1 Distribution in typic haplohumults


                                Those profiles contained in most cases weakly weathered sub-selle with very thin surface soil (Kotagiri) to moderate soils, Organic evcle was very active in many cases. Accumulation of fractions of magnesium et 55-65 cm depth indicating clay pan layar was observed in Thummaneity. High lenching regime was noted In Sholur. and Kodaikanal Kotagiri soila' were rich in roserva magnesium. In general, high mineral Mg in the top soil and high exchangeable Mg and organic complexed Mg in the sub-soils with a fair amount of reserve magnesium in these profiles precluded magnesium deficiency in the forseable future.

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