Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of age of seedlings and planting density on growth and yield of rice under late planting


                                Field experiments conducted during Kharif sensens of 1979 and 1980 revacled that 40 day old seedlings were superior to 50 and 60 day old seedlings of rice veris- ties-Pankaj and Masuri. Grain yield was found to decrease with the increase in seedling age. Crop raised from younger seedlings produced higher number of tillera and panicles por unit area, moro grains per panicle, greater percentage of filled grains and higher test weight or grains than those raised from older seedlings. Pankej provad to be the highest yielder. The spacing of 20x10 cm was found optimum for both those varieties as compared to the other spacing 20x15 cm. This spacing also recorded highest panicle population per unit aros. The yield loss due to the use of older seed- lings was partially compensated with closer. apecing. Yield obtained from 50 day old seedlings with 20x10 cm spacing (44.1 q/he) was es good as obtained from 40 day old seedlings with the spacings of 20x10 cm [45.6 g/ha] ond 20 x 15 cm (45.7 q/ha).

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