Madras Agricultural Journal
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Influence of Time of Sowing and Weather Factors on the Infestation of Leafminer Aproaerema modicella Deventer, and Yield in Rainfed Groundnut.


                                An experiment was conducted during rainted-season (khariff) 1979 with TMV 7 and TMV 10 groundnut varieties, to study the influence of weather factors on the in- festation of leafminer, and its influence on the yield of groundnut. In both the varie ties, the maximum and minimum temperature exhibited a negative correlation with the infestation. The infestation exhibited a negative correlation with the yield. Among the two varieties, TMV 7 was more affected for the same unit of variation in weather factors or infestation. Earlier sowing immediately after the receipt of monsoon reine, but in any case not later than first week of August will be ideal for avoiding the intestation and for getting Increased yield.

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