Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of integrated nitrogen management on nitrogen use efficiency in wet seeded rice + daincha dual cropping system


Nitrogen is an essential constituent of different proteins, nucleic acids and many other organic molecules such as chlorophyll. The availability of nitrogen to rice during critical stages influences agronomic efficiency (Yoshida, 1981). Nitrogen applications are aimed to increase the nitrogen availability during the period of rapid uptake. Application of green manures, organic and inorganic manures differ in their use efficiency and recovery of N by the crop. One of the central theories in plant nutrition is to identify the particular nutrient which produces maximum yield per unit of its absorbtion and how far the applied nutrient is taken by the crop plants to produce maximum yield (Yoshida, 1981). Keeping this in view, the present study was intended to compare the N use efficiency and apparent N recovery in wet seeded rice.

Keywords: Nitrogen, INM, wet seeded rice + daincha


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