Madras Agricultural Journal
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Impact of Package of Practices on the Production Potential and Economic Returns of Upland Cotton Under Nimar Conditions


                                Field studies over three years conducted to determine the impact of package of practices on the production potential and economic returns of upland cotton under Nimar conditions of Madhya Pradesh indicated that under low input technology fertilizer and planting pattern form an integral part of rainfed cultivation. Among the two inputs. the fertilizer and plant protection, the former appeared to be an unavoidable and more economic constraint to boost up the seed cotton yields, Improved package of practices had always an edge over the conventional practices, irrespective of the varieties grown, Re-arrenging cotton plantation in skip or paired row alongwith other inputs accelerated the cost-benefit ratio from 55 p. to Rs. 1, 07 or Rs. 1, 21 rospectively for every rupes spent. Ridging and furrowing at each interculture and tyeing of ridges at 60-70 days provided extra monetary returns.

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