Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of press mud Application on the yield and Nutrient uptake by bhendi in soils of Tamil Nadu


                                A pot culture experiment was carried out on four solls representing black, red, lateritio and alluvial soils of Tamil Nadu amended with press mud at 0. 10 and 20 tons/ha and bhendi was grown as tost crop, The yield of bhandi fruits recorded a significant increaso with press mud application at both the levels (10 and 20 tons/ha) over control in all tho four soils, the comparative increase in ylold over control being the highest in red soil. Tho higher level of press and mud (20 tons/ha) tried did not prove superior to the lower level (10 tons/hal. The yield of dry matter and uptake of nutrients N, P, K and Ca also followed the same trend, recording a significant increase due to press mud treatments over control.

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