Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of Spacing and Fertiliser Application on Yield Contributory Characters of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L) Variety N-62-8 (1)


                                The capsule number/plant and the grain wight/plant increased significantly with increase in row to row spacing upto 75 cm. The number of grains/capsule were slightly increased by adopting wider row to row spacings. The test weight and yield however werd adversely affected by the wider row to row spacings. The number of capsules/plant, grain weight/ plant and number of grains/capsule increased with increased in plant to plant spacing The test weight and grain yield were adversely affected due to increase in plant to plant spacing. The number of capsules/plant, test weight, number of grains/capsule, grain weight/ plant and grain yield were favourably influenced by nitrogen fertilization. The phosphate application did not show much advantage in safflower manusing.

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