Author:Y. G RAO & R. B. L. BHARDUAJ
p-ISSN:0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol:69, Issue:feb-feb
DOI: field experiment was conducted at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. to study the response of dwart wheats to irrigation under different levels of nitrogen and its-economics in reelation to grain and straw yield during the rabi seasons 1976-77 and 1977-78. Since the effect of irrigation on grain yield was significant during both the years, regression equations representing quadratic response could be developed to fit the data for grain yield. A strong correlation was identified between the Irrigation frequencies and grain yield. The maximum mean grain yield for two seasons (49 Q/ha.) was obtained when the crop received irrigations at 0.5 atm. tension at 25 cm soil. depth. Appreciable reduction in grain yield was noticed (45 Q/ha.) when the irrigations given at CRI end boot stages of crop but this was further reduced to 43 Q/ha when the Inigation was restricted to CRi stags alone.
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