Madras Agricultural Journal
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Availability of Added Zinc And Manganese in Relation to Adsorption Characteristics in Different Acid Soil Types of Kerala


                                Three soils viz. Karapadom, Sandy alluvium and Lateritic alluvium having low initial lovels of manganese and zinc were subjected to a study which revenied the dynamics of added zinc and manganuse in relation to the adsorption desorption characteristics. The results indicate that the adsorption of zinc and manganese in all the three soils are in conformity with the Langmuir's adsorption model. Karapadom soil with high cation exchange capacity, clay and organic matter content retained the two elements added in a higher proportion thus concluding the significantly stiperior residual effect. The study hight lights the possibility of skipping applications in soils with high retention capacity end regulated small but frequent applications for soils with decreased residual effects.

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