Madras Agricultural Journal
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Variability, Correlation and Path Coefficients in Inbreds of Pearl Millet (Pennisetum typhoides)


                                In fifty one inbreds of pearl millet. variability, heritability, genetic advance, corr la- tion and path-co-efficient were studied. Grain yield/plant, plant height and ear length showed high GCV and genetic advance as percentage of mean. Heritability (broad sense) ranged from 16,12% (effective tillers/plant) to 91.44% (ear girth). The correlation of grain yield with plant height, ear length, ear girth and test weight was significant and positive. Effective tillers/plant showed a negative non-significant total correlation with yield, while the direct effect was highly positive. Other important positive direct effecis were noticed for plant height and 1000 grain weight. Plant height contributed indirectly to the total correlation of most of the characters with yield.

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