Madras Agricultural Journal
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CO(Gg) 7 – An early maturing, high yielding Greengram variety


                                Greengram culture COGG912 was developed from a cross MGG366 COGG902. It is an early determinate, compost type with pods visible at the top of the canopy, medium bold grains, green and shiny seeds. In All India co-ordinated trials this culture recorded an average yield of 798 kg ha-1 which is 24.3, 14.0 and 11.8 per cent increase over ML5, PDM 54 and ML131 respectively. This culture recorded an average yield of 978 kg ha-1 which is 23.5 per cent increase over the check CO6 (792 kg ha-1) in state trials. Hence it was released and notified as National variety for South Zone (Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa) during 2005 for kharif season. This culture was also released as CO(Gg) 7 for commercial cultivation to the farmers of Tamil Nadu during 2006

Key words : Greengram, variety


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