Madras Agricultural Journal
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Studies on Methods of Weed Control in Tomato


                                The herbicide metribuzin 0.5 kg/ha gave season long weed control with higher yield of fruits. Combination of hand-hoeings or earthing up was useful only to eliminate the weeds, Alachlor at 2.0 kg/ha resulted in significantly lower yield of fruits. Combination of hand hoeings or earthing up increased the yield through effective weed control in the case of alachlor 2.0 kg/ha. There was no appreciable difference in yield of fruits between the two cultural methods, namely farmers method and hand hosing thrice. In chemical weed con trol earthing up could be dispensed with unless specially warranted Earthing up following the herbicide neither conferred any additional advantage no harmful effect to the early weed control accomplished with herbicides.

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