Madras Agricultural Journal
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Ah Yielding Disease-Resistant Pearl Millet Hybrid X-5 for Tamil Nadu


                                how hybrid combination involving L. IIIA and PT. 1921 was developed at Coimbatore. Theprd, UCH-9, has recorded a mean grain yield of 3034 kg/ha in 30 irrigated trials and 3 kg/ha in 20 rainfed trials. The percentage of increase over Khl 2 and X-4 are 42.8 and 2 respectively under. Irrigation and 43.0 and 31.4 respectively under rainfed conditions UC showed a resistant reaction to downy mildew. It possesses attractive long panicles withick seed sat and bold grains. In view of its high yield, resistance to downy mildew, wiedaptability and parental diversity from the presently ruling hybrids. UCH-9 was reled, as X-5 for general cultivation in Tamil Nadu.

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