Madras Agricultural Journal
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Genetic variability and heritability in sugarcane


                                Twelve genotypes of sugarcane were studied for their variability, heritability and genetic advance in two environments. Wide variability was registered for most of the traits. The phenotypic co-efficient of variation (PCV) and genotypic co-efficient of variation (GCV) were highest for cane yield per clump followed by single cane weight, germination per cent and tillering per cent (120 DAP) while high heritability was recorded for single cane weight followed by cane yield per clump, germination per cent, cane thickness and cane height. High genetic advance was observed for most of the growth parameters. The heritability and genetic advance as per cent of mean for different traits ranged from medium to high, indicating that these traits could be improved through straight selection. Germination and tillering percent showed high heritability with high genetic advance, indicating that the selection for these specific characters would be more effective for getting higher yield

Key words : Variability, Heritability, PCV, GCV, Genetic advance


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