Madras Agricultural Journal
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A high yielding red kernel bunch groundnut variety TMV(Gn) 13


                                The bunch groundnut culture TNAU 325 was a pureline selection from local genotype “Pollachi red”. It is a high yielding genotype with small round red kernels. It matures in 100 - 105 days. This culture has recorded an overall mean dry pod yield of 1613 and 2580 kg ha-1 under rainfed and irrigated situations respectively. It represents an increased pod yield of 20.4, 22.4 and 24.0 per cent over VRI 3, TMV 2 and Local Red respectively under rainfed situation. Similarly under irrigated situation this culture out yielded VRI 3, TMV 2 and Local Red by 17.5, 25.8 and 21.8 per cent respectively. The pod and kernel characteristics of this culture are the most acceptable to the farmers. The shelling outturn and oil content are 71.4 and 50.0 percent respectively. In view of its superior performance in respect of pod yield, oil content, good shelling outturn, with round, plumpy red kernels, this culture was released as TMV(Gn) 13 groundnut for commercial cultivation in Tamil Nadu during 2006

Key words : TMV(Gn) 13, groundnut, bunch variety


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