Author: B. P. SINGH,
p-ISSN: 0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol: 71, Issue: mar-mar,
Results of a field experiment, comprising three soll.profile mm moisture levels (165 ± 3. 140 * plus/minus 4 and 951/1 in) In combination with four rates (0, 49 80 and 120 kg S/ha) at sulphur tried on aridisols, showed that additional supply of 1 mm/m of soil profile ever the sub-optimum (95 plus/minus 1 * mm / m) gave 14,7 kg/hs to 38,1 kg/ha increased mustard seed ylald, Regression equations, consumptive use with seed yield (q / h * a) wero Y = 0.187 X - 12.9707 and Y = 0.3588x = 30, 983 for the year 1679-80 and 1980-81 respec- tively. Application of Increasing sulphur rates increased the oil per cent and thioglucoside content in seed during both years Water-use efficiency values decresced with decreasing soil profile moisture, from 5176 kg-mm/ha to 3, 11kg - m * m / h * o Highest profit of Rs. 2122 25 per ha was recorded at 80 kg 5/ha with good and normal soil profile mols- ture representing 165 4 mm and 140 mm/m molature in soil profile at seading. respectively.
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