Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                Selection indices for yield were constructed on the basis of five different criteria (Viz, ha, G.A., rg, h-rg and P values) based on 1-9 characters using 30 varieties of greengram (Vigna radiata Wilczek,). Expected genetic gain in yield due to the indices were computed and their efficiency over direct selection for yield per se was assessed. In all the five groups the efficiency of the indices increased gradually with addition of characters to the indices, Combined direct and indirect selection was found to be more effective than indirect selection alone. The direct effect component (p.) of the characters on yield was found to be the best criterian for selection of characters for inclusion in the indices. The 6-character index based on pods/plant, 1000-seed wt., seeds/pod, reproductive period, clusters/plant and yield/plant was found to be most efficient index in realising genetic advance in yield, Inclusion of characters like length of pod and plant height did not add much to the efficiency of indices.

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