Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                A field experiment was conducted on inter-cropping in groundnut during monsoon seasons of 1983 and 1984 and summer seasons of 1984 and 1985 at the Agricult ural Research Station, Bhavanisagar for comparing six intercropping systems with pure groundnut as a means of increasing overall net returns without serious reduction to the groundnut yields. The yield of groundnut was higher with redgram as intercrop at 2.25 m apart than with cotton or maize. During monsoon seasons intercropping system involving groundnut+cotton at 1.5m apart gave higher net income (Rs. 6868/ha) than pure groundnut (Rs 6134/ha) During summer seasons groundnut+redgram at 2-25 m apart gave higher net income (Rs. 6608 ha) than pure groundnut (Rs. 6482/ha). Maize as intercrop was found to reduce the groundnut yields and the net income to a greater extent compared to other intercrops.

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