p-ISSN: 0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol: 75, Issue: nov-dec,
A study was made to find out the phenotypic correlation, correlation based you parents, correlation based on 'sca and heterosis of hybrids far, yield and yield components using 7-X 7 diallel. The results showed positive and significant association of productive tillers. : per plant, number of grains per panicle and 100 grain weight with grain yield both based on mean and geo effects of parents. The correlation between heterosis for different traits indi- cated that heterosis for yield is not influenced by heterosis for other component characters except days to flowering and that heterosis for lateness apparently has a positive effect on yield. Choice of parents based on per se performance and gca effects can lead to rapid improvement in these characters and ultimately the yield,
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