Madras Agricultural Journal
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Field Efficacy of Insecticides and Fungicides against Stem Fly\nand Root Rot Complex in Greengram


                                Pulses are severely affected by the stem fly, Ophiomyia phaseoli Tryon (Agromyzidae: Diptera). The attack by stem fly is two- pronged as stem fly attack is subsequently followed by root rot incidence causing heavier yield losses. Experiments in greengram (CO6) to check either of the problem,separately resulted in unsatisfactory control and hence seed treatment with insecticides and fungicides was used in combination to check the insect and disease complex. Seed treatment with carbosulfan in combination with Trichoderma viride recorded the least stem fly damage of 9.6 per cent during Kharif, 2005 and 9.3 per cent during Rabi, 2006 while the control registered a damage of 40.2 and 41.0 per cent, respectively. Similarly, seed treatment with carbendazim and combinations involving T. viride showed lesser root rot incidence during both seasons (34 to 49%) compared to control (71.4 and 67.8 % during Kharif and Rabi, respectively). The seed treatment involving T. viride along with carbosulfan and carbendazim successfully checked the combined incidence of stem fly -root rot complex. Thus the above insecticidal and fungicidal combination may be recommended in IPM programmes to effectively check stem fly - root rot complex in greengram

Key words : Greengram, stem fly-root rot complex, combined seed treatment


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