Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of Nipping on Productivity and Economics of Summer Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) under Varying Levels of Plant Density


                                A field experiment was conducted at Pulses and Oilseeds Research Sub-Station, Beldanga, Murshidabad, West Bengal to study the effect of nipping on growth, productivity and economics of summer sesame. Among the four plant density levels, 3.3 lakhs plant ha-1 (30 x10 cm) was superior to other three levels in respect of plant height and number of seeds per capsules resulting in higher seed yield of sesame. Nipping of terminal bud at 25 DAS significantly increased the branches, number of capsules, seed yield (13 and 10%), net return and benefit cost ratio of sesame over no nipping in both the years of study. The increase in yield by nipping at 25 DAS was more at lower plant density level than that with higher one over no nipping

Key words : Sesame, nipping, plant geometry, growth, yield, economics


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