Madras Agricultural Journal
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Spacing and Nitrogen on Growth and Yield of Garden Bean (Lablab purpureus var. typicus) var CO (GB 14)


                                Field experiments were conducted at Department of Pulses, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore during summer and kharif 2005 to find out the optimum spacing and nitrogen levels on growth and yield of vegetable garden bean (avarai). The experiment was laid out in split plot design. The main plot treatments were (spacing levels) viz., 30 x 10 cm, 30 x 15 cm and 30 x 20 cm. The sub plot treatments were (Nitrogen levels) viz., No fertilizer, 100% recommended dose of N, 50% recommended dose of N at basal +50% top dressing at 25 DAS, 50% recommended dose of N at basal + 25% top dressing at 25 DAS + 25% top dressing at 45 DAS. The entire P & K fertilizers were applied as basal. Results revealed that 30 x 15 cm spacing recorded higher green pod yield of vegetable avarai in both seasons (8448 and 9584 kg ha-1) than other two spacing levels tried. With regard to nitrogen levels, application of N @ 50% as basal and 50% top dressing at 25 DAS recorded the highest green pod yield of vegetable avarai (7696 and 8669 kg ha-1) and followed by 50% as basal and 25% each as top dressing at 25 DAS and 25% at 45DAS

Key words : Garden bean, spacing, nitrogen levels, yield attributes, yield


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