Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                Variability, heritability, genetic advance, phenotypic correlation, geno- typic correlation, environmental correlation and coheritability were estimated in 28 varieties of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.). High heritability with high genetic advance was observed in yield per plant, high heritability and low genetic advance in 50% flowering, and low heritability and low genetic advance in number of capsules on main stem, number of capsules on branches and total number of capsules per plant. Positive and significant phenotypic, genotypic and environmental correlations were observed between number of capsule on main stem and total number of capsule per plant. Coheritability estimates of positive and high magnitude were observed between yield and 50% flowering and plant height and 50% flowering. High and negative coheritability estimates was observed between 50% flowering and number of branches.

Key words : Sesame, Variability, Correlation.


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