Madras Agricultural Journal
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Co 11 AVARAI (Lablab purpureus var. typicus (L.) Sweet A new short duration photoinsensitive variety for Tamil Nadu


                                The now variety Co 11 (culturo namo Colt 22) is a hybrid derivative bolwoon Co 9 (a bushy type) x white Yanalkathu (a pandal type) with dosirable charactors like extra early duration (95-100 days), high pod yield with high quality pods coupled with high grain yield. It has recorded an overall mean green pod yield of 9.4 t/ha as against 6.1 t/ha and 5.9 t/ha recorded by Co 9 and Co 10 respectivaly with percentage increase of 55 over Co 9 and 59 over Co 10. It has recorded the grain yield of 1,115 kg/ha as against 1000 and 938 kg/ha by Co 9 and Co 10 respectively. It was found on par with the pandal type, Co 3 in quality tests.

Key words : Lab-lab, New variety, Short duration, Photoinsensitive, Pod yield.


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