Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                Genetic variability in eighty seven cultivars of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) was studied at the Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai during 1989. 90. Significant differences were observed for all the characters with high values of heritability. High genotypic co-efficient of variation, heritability (broad sense) and genetic advance (5% ) estimates were obtained for fifteen quantitative characters viz., days to first fruit set. days to fruit maturity, Plant height. primary branches per plant, nodes between two inflorescences, nodes to first inflorescence, flowers per inflorescence, fruits per inflorescence, locules per fruit, equatorial perimeter of fruit, average fruit weight, total soluble solids, pH, fruits per plant and fruit yield per plant. The traits viz., average fruit weight, plant height and equatorial perimeter of fruit showed high heritability along with high genetic advance showing additive gene effect whereas flowers per inflorescence, fruits per inflorescence, total soluble soilds and pH exhibited high heritability with low genetic advance which indicated non additive gene effect.

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