Madras Agricultural Journal
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A POTENTIAL PREDATOR OF CHILLI MITE, polyphagotarsonemus LATUS (Banks) (Tansonemidae: Acari)


                                Chilli mite, Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks) causes severe damange to chilli crop at flowering and fruiting stages. Use of chemical insecticides induces resurgence of this mite in most cases, besides residue problems in green chillies. Atternps made to find out the natural enemies of this mite revealed the potential feeding nature of a predatory phytosciid mite, Amblyseius ovalis (Evans). The predatory potential of A.ovalis worked out in the laboratory indicated that the adult predators were the most efficient in devouring the chilli mite at an average of 5.76, 4.64, 3.20, 3.12 and 2.12 eggs. first instar, second instar nymphs, pupae and adults respectively. The efficiency was gradually reduced in deutonymph and protonymph of the predator and the larva was the least effective in predatory potential against chilli mite.

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