p-ISSN:0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol:81, Issue:oct-oct
DOI: major soil subgroups namely, Udic Haplustalf, Typic Haplustalf and Typic Ustorthent to represent the Alfisols and Entisols of Kamarajar district of Tamil Nadu were taken up to evaluate the interrelationships of certain physical properties. The results revealed that clay content negatively influenced saturated hydraulic conductivity, bulk density, effective porosity and aggregate stability. It revealed also the active role played by organic matter in controlling the bulk density. Increasing sand fractions in the soils increased noncapillary pores resulting in higher Ks. Bulk density of soils was found to be independent of clay content in decreasing Ks. Total porosity did not show any relationship with Ks, but noncapillary porosity and effective porosity were positively correlated with Ks.
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