Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                Sugarcane is no more free from the attentions of insect-pests than the other major crops cultivated in South India. The setts that are planted are attacked by white ants; very often the joints are eaten up until they are reduced to mere shells, and the germination of buds is affected. The shoots are liable to attack by, at least, three kinds of caterpillar borers, which kill them outright. These borers may also attack the joints of canes during their growth and cause a decrease in the yield of sugar. The leaves may be infested with various kinds of sucking insects: mealy-wings (Aleurodes), mealy-bugs, plant-lice and leaf-hoppers. In some tracts, the Paddy grass- hopper-Hieroglyphus-may invade the crop and reduce the leaves to mid-ribs. Cockchafer grubs may in some places damage the planted crop. Rats, squirrels and jackals are also known to carry their depredations into the cane crop.

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