Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                In the earlier days of the dairy industry, information as to the quality of a given lot of milk could be obtained only through the senses of taste, smell and sight, no other means being then available for the purpose. With the development of the sciences of bacteriology and chemistry within recent years, however, more exact methods of testing have been devised to supplement the earlier ones. For some time the health departments in most large cities have been applying these scientific tests in order to protect the consumer from dirty, badly contaminated or adulterated milk. To-day, in addition to the health departments, up-to-date milk dealers are making use of these tests to protect consumer, dealer, and careful producer alike. By systematic testing and grading of incoming raw milk supplies, the dealer is able to eliminate milk unsuitable for bottling, and thus to improve the quality of milk offered to the consumer. In addition, the producer of milk of suitable quality is relieved of the unfair competition of low-grade milk produced with a minimum of sanitary precaution and consequent lower production costs. The maximum improve- ment in quality awaits the adoption of the practice of payment on a grade basis, whereby the price paid to the producer, will vary in accordance with the quality as determined by suitable tests. Payment on a grade basis présents many difficulties, but these are gradually being overcome and the practice is slowly gaining ground. Success depends largely upon both dealers and producers being familiar with the principles involved, the tests available, and their relative suitability, for only under these conditions can best results be expected. There still appears however, to be general lack of exact information on the part of those primarily interested, and the aim of the present bulletin is to present in unbiassed fashion salient features in connection with milk quality and quality testing for the benefit of all concerned.

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