Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                This ryot is a big farmer. Among other lands which he has sublet to his tenants he cultivated a portion under his own management with his own men employed on monthly wages and with his own cattle. As in other places, the season was very bad. The lands are wet lands, but are also commanded by wells. Even in bad seasons, paddy could be cultivated with the help of weil water. The seed beds were prepared in time, i.e., on the 25th July with well water. The variety of paddy, viz., Local Karthikai Samba-of 5 months duration, was transplanted when 50 days old. As usual, sprouted paddy seeds were sown, and the wet seed bed was allowed to dry up, and irrigation was given occasionally. The fields had to be irrigated only with the help of well water till the tanks got filled up during the middle of October. The plants were found diseased in the early stages and hence the crop did not grow satisfactorily. Irrigation charges were heavy. The farmer's cattle were mostly grazed by boys during half day and so the charges for maintenance of cattle are not much, and hence other cultivation expenses are comparatively low. The cattle were fed with concentrated food, viz., cotton seed and bran during the irrigation period. The Crop was harvested on the 25th December, 1928.

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