Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                On the Agricultural Research Station, Samalkot, paddy seed intended for sale to ryots is generally stored in gunnies and before bagging, the seed is dried on a Cuddapah slab floor over a period of four to seven days. It has been found, however, that grain treated in this way produces a high percentage of broken rice when pounded or milled and that in consequence when sold for consumption and not propagation, its value is reduced. In the year 1929 an experiment was made with Punasa Konamani No. 2 to ascertain the exact amount of drying necessary to maintain the vitality of seed in storage. The crop was harvested on January 20th and the grain was threshed out the same. day and put into five bags each of which weighed 166 pounds gross. The bags were numbered I to V.

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