Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                We are indebted to an esteemed lady contributor for the following note on Cholan ns Infants' Food. A lengthy article on the subject appeared in our December issue (1929). The future of cholam malt for home-made infants' and invalid food rests en- tirely in the hands of women, both from the point of view of propaganda and experi- mentation for the production of recipes of varied tastes. We are happy to note that the subject is receiving the attention it deserves and we have great pleasure in publishing the note by our esteemed correspondent.-Ed. M.. A. J.] No, the idea is not to feed simple cholam grains to babies and young children! So long ago as 1917, Mr. B. Viswanath, Government Agricultural Chemist, proved that in the making of malt, cholam would replace barley, a crop little grown in South India. A gold medal was awarded to his exhibit of malted foods at the Madras Industrial Exhibition held in 1917. These foods were intended to replace expensive proprietary preparations imported from abroad. Cholam, being a widely cultivated crop in South India, is cheap and available to all classes. Its conversion into malt is quite possible in any home where a little trouble is taken. No special apparatus is necessary.

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