Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                It is accepted on all hands that for any commodity to sell successfully in the market it should be of the best quality possible. Many of the commercial. products marketed in India and exported to foreign countries like England, France and America, are often-times condemned on the score that they are only second or third rate in quality. If, therefore, a product should find a. ready market outside and fetch a very good price it is essential that it should be prepared in the most careful manner. One such product which is prepared in fair quantities on the West Coast, and which requires improvement both in respect of cultivation and method of preparation is ginger. The importance of paying adequate attention to the manufacture of this product on the West Coast can scarcely be over-stressed because a fairly good percentage of the bulk of the world's supplies of dried ginger is at present produced within Malabar, Travancore, and Cochin, and a major portion of the product that is exported now is considered very inferior in quality to that produced for example in Jamaica. It is stated that the United Kingdom alone would absorb increased supplies of ginger and would pay better prices for it, if it could only be better in quality. In view of this circumstance it may be advantageous to draw the attention of present and potential producers of this crop to the best methods of cultivating the plant and preparing the yield for the market.

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