Madras Agricultural Journal
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A CALL TO STUDENTS OF AGRICULTURE. Awake, Arise and stop not, till you reach the goal" (Swami Vivekananda).


                                What is our goal? Many say it is happiness. But none can define what happiness is. This seems very strange, although the reason is clear. They crave for the ephemeral pleasures of the body. These are limited, mo- mentary. The labourer is worried about the bread for the morrow The student is anxious about his examination. The politician is annoyed by the tactics of his opponents. Similarly there is none who is not care worn about some little thing or other. But there are some who are really happy and their happiness is absolute. Who can these be? They are those who have adopted "sacrifice and service as the only royal road to happiness and not marriage and mammonism unlike those who wish for the "happiness" of the body.

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