Madras Agricultural Journal
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Some facts of Importance to Paddy-Growers


                                The Paddy breeding station, Aduturai was started in 1922 and the selection-work on paddy that had previously been commenced at the old Manganallur Agricultural Farm, was continued at this station. As a result of several years of arduous work nine improved strains of paddy have been evolved and seed of these pure strains distributed to ryots in the Cauvery delta to be grown in place of the inferior, mixed, local seed. These Aduturai strains of paddy have proved very popular and the demand for seed is far in excess of the possible supply. Ryots who have grown these strains have appreciated their qualities of even heading, uniform ripening, and high yield. These good qualities shown by the crops raised from improved strains will be kept up only so long as the seed is kept pure and free from admixture of any kind. If care be not taken to keep the seed pure, the crop deteriorates and the yield diminishes in proportion to the degree of contamination in the seed. It is therefore very essential that precautions should be taken by every ryot for keeping the seed pure.

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