Madras Agricultural Journal
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Our position as to Cotton Pest Control in South India.


                                While the plant Breeder is engaged in evolving strains of Cotton that would give increased yields, and the Agriculturist in devising the best methods of tilth and nurture calculated to provide for them optimum con- ditions for growth, the Chemist supplies them with plant food best suited for producing the maximum yields. But the cotton plant, like many other crops, is subject to the attacks of various pests and diseases, which often take a heavy toll of the crop, so that the labours of the Breeder, the Chemist and the Agriculturist are liable to be greately wasted thereby. It is the function of the Entomologist and the Mycologist to study the various pests and diseases and devise measures for counteracting their injuring effects in the most economical and efficient way. It is the pur- pose of this paper to give a short account of the present position of the Entomological Section of this Institute in regard to the control of the major pests of Cotton in South India.

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