Madras Agricultural Journal
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Chinese Agriculture and its Lessons for India.


                                The achievements of Scientific Agriculture in the West are of such magnitude that we in India are apt to look to the West al- most exclusively for inspiration and guidance in the matter of im- provement of our Agriculture. While this attitude is for the most part justified there are other directions also to which we may turn with advantage. Agriculture in the Far East has important analo- gies with that of India not only because in the Far East as well as in India Agriculture dates back forty centuries but also becaure the pressure on land in India, if it has not already reached, is likely to reach before long the same degree it has in China and Japan. It is true that even these countries look to the West for development of their agriculture on scientific lines, but investiga- tions have shown that the essential principles of many a discovery of agricultural science have been grouped very early in China and an unfailing practice built upon them. Indeed in certain depart- ments it is the West that has to learn from China and Japan more than these centuries have to learn from them.

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