Madras Agricultural Journal
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Synthetic Farm Yard Manure


                                In this vast sub-continent, where agriculture has been the chief industry and the main stay of its millions, the cultivator from time immemorial, being conscious of the necessity of the use of manure for raising a good crop, has been generally applying what is known as Farm Yard Manure and occasionally leaf mould in places adjacent to forests. But on account of the increase of population, rising of general standard of life and other causes, not only the area that was once under extensive cultivation had to be brought under intensive culture, but also new areas had to be reclaimed and made to yield enough for the necessaries of man and animal. Thus the quondam cheerful farmer was brought face So face with the problem of producing more and more to minister to the needs of the increasing population. That is, he was com- pelled by dire circumstances actually to make two blades of grass grow where one grew before.

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