Madras Agricultural Journal
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Botany of some useful Plants.-Part V.


                                This is chiefly a tropical order and comprises trees and shrubs several of them being aromatic. Some are climbers. The leaves are simple, alternate distichous, exstipulate and entire. The flowers are hermaphrodite or rarely unisexual and sometimes very fragrant. The calyx consists of three small valvate sepals mostly free or rarely united. There are usually six thick and fleshy petals arranged in two whorls of 3 each, the inner whorl being sometimes absent, hypogynous and valvate or vaguely imbricate. The stamens are indefinite in number arranged in many series on a thickened torus, the filament being short or absent; the anthers are two celled and adnate dehiscing by longitudnal slits: the con- nective is usually prolonged into a dilated hood-like structure above the anther. The pistil consists of one or more carpels mostly apocarpous very rarely syncarpous with distinct or united stigmas; the style is short or absent. Each carpel contains one or more ovules. The fruit is a berry. The seeds are provided with a rumi- "nate endosperm.

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