Madras Agricultural Journal
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Modern Implements in Indian Agriculture.


                                That India is preponderantly an agricultural country is the alpha of India economics. This simple truth has been so much emphasised in all text books and class rooms that it has almost become an article of faith. When it is remembered that till recently the controversy raged over the fitness of India for further agricultural advance her potentialities in that direction may be considered to have a peculiar significance. She has always occu- pied an important position in the markets of the world. But when at the present day, the economic solidarity of the world's markets. is a settled fact, the development of India's agricultural possibilities becomes a matter of the widest international interest. It is vital not only to her own financial position and economic welfare of her people but to the continuance of the general economic struc- ture of the world's supply of food and clothing. Nowhere in the world is the landed proprietor or cultivator noted for his readiness to move on new lines, and the conservatism of the Indian ryot is proverbial. He has been content to run in a groove as old as his ancient land.

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